Effectiveness of Performance

Performance Measures

The effectiveness and performance of the UMAD program will be measured through initial surveys at program launch/ending and tracked through the confidential drug testing data collected from members.
Drug test results will not be shared with UMAD youth members whether positive or negative unless the member themselves specifically request it. Members with positive drug tests will not be reprimanded in anyway. The reports will not be shared with members unless they specifically request in written form to their physician at One Love Services.

The results of the drug tests will not be shared with anyone outside of the drug testing facility & physician. Any data provided to the schools will not contain the students name, info, or any other identification information. No individual data will be shared with school, only overall statistics and performance measures.

  • Actively measure those who initially enroll in each cycle of the U M.A.D. program with a comparison to those who successfully complete the program.
  • Reduce the initially surveyed reported use of illicit and illegal drugs by a target of 5% among our youth members.
  • Reduce the initially surveyed reported use of alcohol and tobacco products by a target of 5% among our youth members.
  • Administrate and engage in educational presentations, forums, discussions, and events community on prevention of drug and alcohol drug use among youth and young adults per 9-week program.
  • Work with local employers who want to promote a drug-free workplace by referring graduated members of UMAD for employment.
  • Increase community awareness on the access to mental health facilities, drug abuse treatment facilities, rehab, and detox centers in the area.