What Are U M.A.D.'s Goals & Objectives

U.MA.D.’s (You Make A Difference) focus during the 9-week program tackles the issue of drug abuse from various angles through various collaborations providing a more well-rounded approach. This is includes holding physical activity workshops in effort to stress that being accountable for one’s health through physical fitness assists with the rejection of peer pressure to use drugs/alcohol by bringing awareness the harmful side-effects it can have on one’s body.

  • Drug e-courses
  • Monthly drug tests
  • Community activities
  • Physical fitness activities
  • Mentoring/counseling

U M.A.D.'s Goal: A.I.M.

Weeks 1 – 3:

  • #1 Avoidance – Abstain from substance abuse & bullying before it starts.

Weeks 4 – 6:

  • #2 Implementation – Actively tackling instances where drug use may arise while teaching anger management techniques in effort to reduce gun violence & bullying.

Weeks 7 – 9:

  • #3 Management – Ensuring the message is carried on and reinforced throughout and after the program cycle ends. Providing resources to addiction treatment if a member needs it. Addressing the issue human trafficking.

Program Objectives

  • Objective 1: Educate youth to denounce drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Objective 2: Provide local youth with access to a research-based substance abuse program & bullying coping mechanisms.
  • Objective 3: Inspire and support the development of the community in preventing substance abuse.
  • Objective 4: Promote drug-free schools and neighborhoods.
  • Objective 5: Support higher education learning and boost aspirations.
  • Objective 6: Reduce the likelihood of students’ involvement in gang activity and gun violence.
  • Objective 7: Bring heightened awareness to human trafficking issues and how to spot a potential victim.
  • Objective 8: Support local treatment, detox, and recovery programs through referrals and setting up direct points-of-contacts.